2016 A New Year – New Energy – New Life

The clairvoyant readings in the beginning of 2016 have had an interesting similarity – they all pointed to one intriguing answer for those getting the reading – to “be” in present time, in the present moment. It’s such a simple concept that can create some amazing changes.

THIS ARTICLE’S THEME: To be in Present Time – In the Moment.

There’s a saying I learned years ago from one of my favorite teachers – when you ask for or strive for a result, the energy inside of you that is the opposite of that result will begin to surface and process out of you – in other words, the conscious part of you is clearing space for that new result. One example I particularly like is if you say something like “I want more love in my life!” once you start this idea in motion, the opposite (history / pain / drama) that is inside you will begin to process out.

Depending on your attachment to what is inside you, your release may be a subtle process, or it may be a larger event. “It is what it is” as the saying goes, but it’s a good idea to know that you are in a process to create more space for something new (love in this example), consider it a self-healing process. If you can practice being the observer of this release process, it will be easier to not get caught up in the energy coming out.

More About Present Time, Being in the Moment:

Most if not all of the stress, arguments, and reactions in our life are the result of not being in the moment. We are either in the future concerned about a future event that may happen, or in the past trying to figure out or solve the past event.

What would happen if you just let go and decided to be in the moment, right where you are, with whatever is in front of you, there’s a pretty good chance you’d be at peace. You could certainly pull your life force out of the past and future (create space) to create something different, maybe even new, it’s certainly worth contemplating?

Putting “The Moment” into practice:

If you know me, you know that I like to try things and be a product of the product, in this case being “in the moment”. Putting this into practice has been a revealing experience; here are a few of the highlights:

  • I find my communication to others is more direct, certainly more relaxed and relating is more genuine.
  • Decision-making is easier since part of me is not being distracted/solving the past or even future events that may or may not occur.
  • My daily task list seems to flow better and I feel accomplishment with the results of each day.
  • How I relate to my body is better, I feel like me and my body are in more harmony. I also notice the type of food I eat has taken on this new direction as well – better for my body.
  • My attachment to things and people has greatly diminished and I can accept who or what they are. I also find my judging of others has greatly diminished.

Putting this into practice with a small meditation:

Take a deep breath and exhale, relax your breathing. Visualize and own a clear goal of you being in the moment – in present time; you can do this with your eyes open or closed – if you are driving you must keep your eyes open 🙂

Entertain the idea of letting go of the past and future as you go through your day. You could even consider that in every moment you will release those things that tie you to the past and future. Let them drift out of you.

If you find yourself attaching to thoughts or feelings, check if they are pulling you in the past or future. Are you seduced into the past or future through problem solving or high emotions? Be aware of the patterns that come up.

Begin to allow the release of your attachment to these thoughts and feelings; it’s likely they’ve been with you for a while. It’s also good to Validate that you can be aware of your unique process. You are unraveling the parts where your life energy has been in the same place for a long time.

THEN…. Gently come back to the present moment. Notice the spiritual process of self-awareness you have initiated – it’s Powerful!! Great Work…Repeat as Necessary!

A few quotes on this subject (it’s always good to get a second opinion):

“Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none.” – Albert Einstein.

“Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.” – Walt Whitman

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.”- Benjamin Franklin

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” – Eckhart Tolle

“As you become more present in your own life, you will begin to enlighten others by your example.” – Germany Kent

Warm Regards,
Rev. Tony Malfatti

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